National Rock Sawing is a Sydney Water accredited constructor for both Major Works and Minor Works.

We offer turnkey solutions in the water, wastewater and stormwater sectors. We are experienced in providing an extensive range of services in all aspects of Sydney Water Section 73 work.

Our capabilities include the following:

  • MS: Minor Works (Junctions and sidelines up to 12m & meter to mains)
  • RW: Recycled Water (DN65 – 375)
  • S1: Sewerage Reticulation (DN150 – 300)
  • S2: Sewerage Standard (DN375 – 750)
  • W1: Water Reticulation (DN100 – 375)
  • W2: Water Supply (DN > 375 – 750)
  • W3: Steel Pipelines (DN > 750 – 1200)

The team at National Rock Sawing are highly professional and experienced in all facets of pipeline construction, be it in water, wastewater or stormwater. Our management team has extensive experience on some of Australia’s premier construction projects over the past 30 years and can be called upon to assist in the forward planning of your next project. At all times our team will work in with yourself or your site representative to ensure a smooth and successful outcome for your project. Our commitment to excellence provides clients with a quality product delivered on time and within budget.

National Rock Sawing is equipped with a wide selection of the latest machinery and trucks that are Euro 5 compliant. We can tailor the plant required to suit your individual project. For example, our pit launched directional drill for on-grade bores is ideal for drilling under roads and buildings, eliminating the need for open cut excavations. Likewise, our excavator mounted rock saws will make short work of even the hardest of Sydney sandstone.